How Bad Teeth Affects Digestion

can bad teeth cause stomach problems

The source of a whiter and brighter smile and healthy teeth helps us chew our food in order to move it on to the next stage. They also act as a temperature gauge to ensure food is at the proper temperature before we try to swallow it. Bad teeth can slow down digestion.

Boley Braces in Harrison County is here to help you understand why good dental hygiene is essential for proper digestion.

The Connection Between Stomach Issues and Dental Hygiene

Good oral hygiene removes leftover food particles from the gaps between our teeth. It also removes harmful bacteria and the sugars they feed on to reproduce and spread in our mouths. While it’s normal to have some bacteria in the mouth to keep bad bacteria at bay, large quantities of harmful bacteria can cause health issues.

When we eat and drink, harmful bacteria that may be in our mouths are washed into the digestive system. It goes down our throats, into our stomachs, and then passes through the bowels. If we neglect our teeth, harmful bacteria caused by poor oral hygiene can go on to cause stomach issues. It can irritate the stomach lining and the sensitive lining of the intestines, causing not only pain but a slew of other potential health issues down the line.

Why Dental Hygiene is So Important

Maintaining good dental hygiene is important for overall health. If teeth aren’t cleaned properly, sugars, acids, and bacteria left behind by food can cause teeth to turn brown or black as they rot, fall, or need to be removed. Bad breath, sensitive teeth, and swollen or bleeding gums can also ensue.

When dental problems go untreated, not only is oral health impacted, it affects the whole body. If left unchecked for too long, bad teeth can lead to :

  • Periodontal disease
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Improving your dental hygiene will not only affect your smile positively, it can help you avoid potential health problems.

How Dental Hygiene Can Be Improved

Brushing and flossing are very important for good dental hygiene, but it’s not all there is.

Watch what you eat

What you put in your mouth is the start of looking after your teeth. Eating a healthy, balanced diet that limits sugars is the best way to protect teeth from harm. Sugary drinks are particularly offensive, so using a straw when drinking them can help keep the liquid from coating the teeth. Note that coffee is very acidic and can cause harm to the teeth. It’s best to have it after brushing in the morning to protect teeth from acids.

Brush properly

Brush your teeth first thing in the morning before you eat breakfast to remove bacteria that has settled in the mouth overnight. This will prevent the bacteria from feeding on sugars in breakfast cereal, juices, or pastries.

Floss and use mouthwash after brushing your teeth to further eliminate any leftover sugars or bacteria in the mouth, and keep it fresh and clean. The process should be repeated after meals or at least before bed.

Ways Dental Hygiene Can Be Improved

When you make an appointment with a dental professional, your teeth will be examined for problems and plaque that has built up will be removed. You will receive relevant information on the proper way to use a toothbrush and how to keep your teeth healthy. You should see a dental hygienist at least once every six months.

If your teeth are cramped or need straightening, you may be advised on further procedures or referred to an orthodontist. In this case, your teeth will be straightened for a perfect smile that’s easier to clean and keep healthy.

Take Care of Your Teeth Now!

With offices in Cincinnati and Harrison, Ohio, Boley Braces can help you get the healthy smile you deserve. To take good care of your teeth, contact us for an appointment today.


Image Source: Glayan / Shutterstock