Braces have come a long way since their invention. The questions that surround getting them have not. You still have to consider the many factors included in deciding to get your teen braces.

How Do You Tell if Braces are Necessary?

Remember, teens with braces are very self-conscious about them. This is nothing compared to how self-conscious they will be as adults with crooked or improperly spaced teeth. It is important to know what to look for before it becomes a problem. A few of these signs are:

  • Gaps in teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Problems chewing 
  • Misalignment of lips and teeth or teeth surfaces
  • They have an overbite or underbite

There are many more signs, but these are the most prominent. An orthodontist can examine your child’s teeth and definitively determine if braces are necessary.

When to Get Your Child or Teen Braces?

One thing that parents often wonder is what age is right for braces. The ideal age for their first appointment with an orthodontist is seven. 

Although their first appointment might be at seven, treatment with braces usually doesn’t begin until the child is between nine and 14. Every person is different, but younger children may not be psychologically ready or responsible enough for braces.

You are never too old for braces, but you can be too young. Most orthodontists do not recommend braces for children who do not have permanent teeth. Of course, there are some situations where braces are appropriate for primary teeth. These cases include severe overcrowding and making sure there is room for permanent teeth.

One thing to remember is that it is far easier to adjust to braces when you are younger. If you prepare your child’s teeth for braces in childhood, it can make the whole process of straightening them easier and less time-consuming.

What Types of Braces are Available?

Around 300 years ago, braces for teeth were invented. They were made from gold and silver. Now dental health professionals make them from various materials and in a few styles. Consider the pros and cons of each type of teen braces before choosing one. 

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic or clear braces blend into teeth. They are not as noticeable as the more traditional braces made from metal. They also use wires and rubber bands to help straighten teeth. 


Some Ohio teenagers prefer ceramic braces because they:

  • Help negate some of the self-esteem and self-conscious issues of metal ones
  • Are not as visible as their metal counterparts
  • Correct issues faster than invisible braces
  • Are easier on the gums


Of course, there are some drawbacks as well. Ceramic braces:

  • Allow food to get caught in the brackets
  • Are subject to staining when your teen eats tomato sauce or berries

Metal Braces

Metal braces are sometimes considered to be traditional braces. This type has metal brackets and metal wires that attach to the teeth. When people think of braces for teens, these are what they usually think of first.


Despite their stigma, metal braces do have some benefits. These are:

  • The least expensive type of braces for teeth
  • Flexible so they are the most versatile type and will fit almost every teen


There are some problems with metal braces. These are:

  • Some teens feel there is a stigma behind wearing them
  • They are difficult to keep clean
  • There may be some dietary restrictions as they are somewhat fragile

Invisible Braces

Invisible braces are a newcomer in the world of orthodontics but are rapidly gaining popularity. Although they are usually compared to other types, they are a form of removable aligner. Your teen wears the aligner for around 22 hours a day. 


There are many benefits to invisible braces. Some of these are:

  • Nearly invisible and reduce the self-consciousness that some teens experience
  • Removable so teens can eat whatever foods they like without worrying about staining or food getting caught
  • Not damaging to your teeth
  • Perfect for those whose gums are tender or tear easily
  • Don’t require as many visits 
  • Not used with rubber bands that break or come unhooked


Like all of the other types of braces, invisible aligners have some issues. These are:

  • They cannot be worn with a bite guard common with playing sports
  • They can be lost, unlike other types that are attached to teeth
  • They can be expensive

To decide which type of braces is right, you should carefully compare all of the types available, factoring in the cost, pros, and cons. Remember, each type is a bit different, but all of them require your teen to be responsible for their oral health before, during, and after they are fitted. 

Teen braces have come a long way. Speak with an orthodontist from Boley Braces at either their Hamilton County or Cincinnati, Ohio location or call (513) 367-2673 today. They can help your teen create their perfect smile.

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